List of CGHS Dispensaries working 24 hours in Delhi

List of CGHS Dispensaries working 24 hours in Delhi

Six Wellness Centres / Dispensaries are working 24 hours under Central Government Health Scheme in Delhi. The detailed list of wellness centres with contact numbers are given below...

Dispensaries working 24 hours
1. South Avenue Wellness Centre153, South Avenue , New Delhi-11 Telephone No. 23013490
2. North Avenue Wellness Centre31, North Avenue, New Delhi-1,Telephone No. 23094420
3. Zakir Husain Road Wellness CentreCGHS Building, Dr. Z.H. Road,
New Dehli
Telephone No. 23383724
4. Telegraph Lane Wellness Centre18-E, Telegraph Lane, New Delhi Telephone No. 23326601
5. Kingsways Camp Wellness CentreCGHS Disp, KWC No.
60, New Police Line, Kingsway
 Camp, Delhi
Telephone No. 27459411
6. Timarpur Wellness CentreLancer Road, Timarpur, Delhi. Telephone No. 23813808


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